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Opened to public in 2000, the Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence (HKMCD) is a military museum. The Museum, with a total area of 34,200 square meters, is converted from the hundred years' old Lyemun Fort on a headland 64 meters above sea level overlooking Lyemun Pass.

The HKMCD reopened to the public from 24 November 2022, after a major revamp. Multimedia elements, innovative presentation methods and a thematic approach are injected in the revamped permanent exhibition and the historical trail of the museum to narrate the unique story of Hong Kong's coastal defence.

The new permanent exhibition in the Redoubt, "The Story of Hong Kong Coastal Defence" consists of 11 galleries, which include the introduction of military presence under successive dynasties, military arrangements, port facilities, history of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, stories of multi-ethnic soldiers who served in Hong Kong as well as the Chinese People's Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison. HKMCD has provided more content relating to the history of the Japanese invasion of China, the Japanese attack on Hong Kong, the Battle of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong-Kowloon Independence Brigade of the East River Column and so on to deepen public awareness of this chapter of Hong Kong's history. 24 checkpoints are set up on the Lyemun Fort Historical Trail, including the Torpedo Station built in a cave on the shore, the Lyemun Redoubt on the hilltop, and batteries and caponiers. Visitors can experience and enjoy the unique beauty of the built structures embedded in the natural scenery, and immerse themselves in the military and historical ambience of this site through walking the Historical Trail.

Click here to learn more about the history of old Lyemun Fort.

Financial Figures

Click here for the financial figures of the MCD in 2023/24


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where is the Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence?
A: 175 Tung Hei Road, Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong


Q: How do I get there?
A: Visitors can reach the Museum by walk from the Shau Kei Wan MTR Station. In addition, City Bus route No.85 and No.82X stop outside the Museum. (Plan Your Visit)


Q: How can I access to Museum's reference materials?
A: The Resource Centre on the 2/F, Hong Kong Museum of History provides reference books, periodicals and audio-visual materials on Chinese and Hong Kong military history. (More Info)
Enquiries / appointments   2724 9009 or 2724 9033


Q: Are there any activities for the public?
A: We regularly organize a wide range of education and extension activities for the public, details of which may be referred to the quarterly published Hong Kong Museum of History Newsletter or our Education Programmes webpage.


Q: How can I join the Museum's docent programme?
A: Currently, we have a team of professional docents providing guided tour services for visitors. We will make announcement on our website when new recruitment programme is to be launched.


Q: How can I get the latest Museum news?
A: The quarterly published Hong Kong Museum of History Newsletter or our website.
Enquiries  2569 1500


Q: How can the Public make donations to Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence? How is the selection process of proposed donations?
A: If you would like to make a donation of historical object(s) to Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence, you could first let us have the basic information such as your name, contact, description of the proposed donation and images of objects etc. via the following ways:

  2569 1500
  2569 1637
  Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence,
      175 Tung Hei Road, Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong
      (Please specify "Donation of historical object(s)" on the envelope.) 

Once we have received the information of the proposed donation, we will table the proposal in Hong Kong Museum of History's regular Programme Committee Meeting and discuss it from criteria ranging from the Museum's Collection Policy, historical significance and research value of the proposed donation to physical condition of the historical objects in the donation, etc. according to our established mechanism. Our staff members will contact the donor as soon as our decision is made.


Assessment Criteria for Acquisition of Collection

  • In line with the Museum's Collection Policy
  • Historical significance
  • Authenticity
  • Price
  • Physical condition
  • Durability
  • Rarity
  • Display value
  • Research value
Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence is a branch museum of Hong Kong Museum of History. We invite you to preserve Hong Kong's history and culture together with us by donating historical objects to us.
If you would like to make a donation of historical object(s) to us, you could first let us have the basic information such as your name, contact, description of the proposed donation and images of objects, etc. in the following ways, our staff will contact you as soon as possible:
Telephone: 2569 1660
Fax: 2569 1637
Post: Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence, 175 Tung Hei Road, Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong (Please specify "Donation of Historical Object(s)" on the envelope.)
*Assessment of the acquisition and programme proposals will be made at the Museum's Programme Meetings on a regular basis and in consultation with relevant members of Museum Expert Advisers when such need arises.

Assessment Criteria for Public Programme Proposals

  • In line with the Museum's vision, mission and values
  • Concept and ideas
  • Historical / Cultural merits
  • Educational value
  • Financial and technical feasibilities
  • Public appeal
  • Presentation skills

Invitation for Specialists

Invitation for Lecture Speakers, Workshop Instructors, Workshop Assistants and Field Trip Guides
We are now looking for lecture speakers, workshop instructors and assistants, and field trip guides to help promote different aspects of local military history and the history of Hong Kong's coastal defence by organizing a variety of education programmes.
Applicants should have relevant qualifications and experience. Interested parties should send us a full résumé with a list of their publications or photos of works and an outline of their proposed activities by email or by post. Please specify "Invitation for Specialists".  If suitable activities are identified, we will contact the applicants.
For enquiries, please contact our Education Unit by email.
Address: Education Unit,
Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence,
175 Tung Hei Road, Shau Kei Wan,
Hong Kong